Sunday, October 31, 2010

Parks and Playgrounds

If you were to ask everyone I know to describe me in one word, I assume none of those people would choose the word "outdoorsy". I am a big fan of couches and television and other indoor things. I have nothing against nature but it is definitely not where I feel most at home. I feel most at home, well, at home. However, I am starting to embrace my inner hiker/camper/park ranger by spending more time in the great outdoors. Of course this time outside doesn't involve any actual hiking or camping or park rangering, it's pretty much just walks and trips to the playground.

Lately our little family has been heading to various playgrounds and parks around town. Owen is at an age where he is just starting to be able to explore some of the playground equipment and can slide down the slide with a lot of assistance. At our high school reunion a few weeks ago, Owen took his first ride on a swing and seemed to love it.

Yesterday we walked to Wilson Elementary school and played on the playground. I thought it would be fun for Myers to take Owen down the "big slide". I have fond memories of sliding down the big slide of my elementary school. If I remember correctly, my elementary school slide was approximately 30 feet long and made of metal. It was fortunate that you traveled about 60 mph down that thing because if you went any slower, you would burst into flames from sitting on a metal slide for too long that had been baking in the direct sunlight for the entire day. Side note: my elementary school also had a piece of equipment called the "looner lander" that was very odd and seemingly out of place for a school playground. It was not until I was in college that I realized it was actually the "lunar lander" (lunar, as in the moon) which made a lot more sense.

Anyway, Myers hiked to the top of the slide and sat with Owen on his lap. I had my camera ready to hopefully catch a quick shot of Owen zooming down. Apparently, things have changed since I was in elementary school. Maybe there were too many broken bones or something but slides now seem to be designed for low speed travel. It took about 45 seconds for Myers and Owen to travel down this 10 foot long, bulky plastic slide. There were lots of bumps and even some mid-slide scooting necessary to make it the entire way down. I managed to take several pictures during their descent. I even had time to take a water break. Ok, not really, but you get the point. I had a good laugh and the boys had a nice, slow, safe ride.


Laura said...

Yay for the great outdoors and going to the park! I laughed out loud at the thought of Myers and Owen going one mile an hour down a plastic slide! Love the static hair on Owne :)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

That last picture is classic--such a big smile! Enjoy the time while the weather is nice... PS--thanks for the comment. Though, not sure KEEL will be the name. ;)